Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wonders Never Cease...

Why are students asking to change their Documentary Film selection and/or to add a "new" group member on Wednesday, 29 December when the selection process for the film and group members was finalized on Thursday, 23 December?


Monday, December 27, 2010


I am being bombarded with questions that were asked and answered prior to the break. Furthermore, your questions can be answered by conducting a "Close Reading" of the handouts. No teacher in America would be responding to all of the inquiries during a vacation that I have been answering. When you return on Monday, 3 January-I will resolve technical difficulties only in preparation for your presentations on Tuesday, 4 January.

I recommend that you rehearse your presentations on Monday, 3 January after school. (Rooms 404 and 402 will be available.)


Why is it that I am receiving so many requests from students to change their Documentary Film selection? Supposedly, whether students were working individually and/or in groups, the viewing was done prior to Thursday, 23 December. The primary reason is that their Documentary was unappealing! I wonder how many of you have actually viewed your Documentary. As I preview what students have selected, I am finding several selections "unappealing" as well. Remember, you will be analyzing your Documenting in front of the classroom. I am looking froward to reading your rational for selecting your Documentary. How many of you are asking, "Is Diedrich talking about me"

Plagiarism Alert!

BE ADVISED: Diedrich is fully are that many documentaries have previously been analyzed and written about in articles and books. You know how he feels about cheaters-those who plagiarize (see older post). You are hereby given notice that if this occurs on this major project (30% of your third-marking period grade) you and your group members will receive a "0" and most likely a failing grade for English 5 (55). Do not call his bluff!

Documentary Film Analysis Assistance

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dear Parents:

During the week of 13 December, your child was informed of a Documentary Film project that would be due upon his/her return after the holiday break (3 January 2011). I specifically indicated that all students must be ready to submit the title of their selected Documentary on Thursday, 23 December. This would allow for an ample opportunity to preview several films and to decide whether the presentation would be done as a group or independently. In addition, all students were required to return a signed permission slip with your signature-approving the Documentary Film your child has selected.

Much to my chagrin, several students were NOT prepared to submit the title of their Documentary. Perhaps, your child was part of this group? Again, please keep in mind that your child had a week to make his/her choice. Furthermore, a major writing assignment is due when your child returns on 3 January.

Please discuss this situation with your child.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Schedule for Week of 20 December

For all Bands: Documentary Film Assignment continued. You must select a film for analysis by Thursday, 23 December. I will pass around a sheet for sign-up. If you are presenting with others, you will record the names of the group members. Be advised that I will notify you if I deem that the documentary film is inappropriate for classroom use. You will not be permitted to present unless I receive the permission slip signed by a parent.

Monday/Tuesday, 20 and 21 December: "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift- Introduction to the satire.

Wednesday, 22 December: Discussion of Swift's satire and completion of the multiple choice questions. You will "mimic" Swift's satire by writing one of your own.

Thursday, 23 December: Discussion of the specific requirements for presentation and written response for the Documentary Film Project. Bring all handouts describing the project to class. Presentations will begin on Tuesday, 4 January 2011. I will ask for volunteers first. Then, I will randomly select individuals/groups from names written on index cards.

I expect to see groups practice on Monday, 3 January during 371/2 minutes tutorial. I will open Room 402. PRACTICE! You do not want to embarrass yourself during your presentation. Also, make sure you have downloaded the documentary in a version that will play in a NYC classroom! If you experience difficulties and have to continue on another day, your grade will be reduced one-full letter grade. PRACTICE in the classroom!

The Elements of Satire

Satire Writing Assignment Resources
The Onion
Satire Wire
The National Post Online

The essays that you discover will cause you to smile-chuckle-perhaps, even laugh out-loud. I have decided to post-pone your satire "mimic" until the completion of the documentary presentations. Prior to the actual written assignment, I will have you choose a satirical piece (from one of the sites listed above) and explain how the use of satire makes the piece better or worse at tackling its specific issue.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Schedule for Week of 13 December

Introduction to the Documentary Film and Project

Google: "Frontline and Documentary" Google will take you to links for documentaries for all aspects of life imaginable. Some documentaries are prohibited for use in a NYC classroom.

Once your documentary is approved, you may have to "convert" it to a format that can be played using the computer in the classroom.

NOTE: The overall selection process requires time and planning. DO NOT HAPHAZARDLY SELECT YOUR FIRST TOPIC OF INTEREST.

"Should I work on the project alone or Should I work with others?" Be advised that the grading of the project will certainly be more involved if you decide to work in a group.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Schedule for Week of 6 December

You will not need to bring the textbook to class this week. Kindly bring to class The Great Gatsby on Wednesday, 8 December for collection.

Do not forget about the assignment due on Wednesday, 8 December (see below). As soon as you enter the classroom, you will place it in the class folder-DO NOT GIVE ME ANY EXCUSES ABOUT NOT HAVING IT DONE AND DO NOT ASK TO TURN-IT IN LATER IN THE DAY. (Locate a printer prior to Wednesday.)

FYI- Class averages for the group test on Chapters 7, 8, and 9:

A Band: 68
B Band: 83.8
D Band: 71

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, we will examine the "revised" NYS English Regents. (A Reminder-Exam date-Tuesday, 11 January-8:45)

On Wednesday, we will engage in a rhetorical analysis of a historical document (speech).

On Thursday, you will complete a Timed Write involving a rhetorical analysis of an excerpt from a memoir.

On Friday, we will continue the rhetorical analysis from Wednesday. For the "second" half of class, we will review Parts of Speech. I have noticed that too many of you are missing questions that ask about POS.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blog Grading

Outstanding! (100)
• You show insightful, reflective thinking in your writing.
• You respond to the prompt, but also go beyond it.
• Makes many inferences and references to other related events, people or texts relating to
the topic
• Expresses a high level of critical thinking
• Obvious, detailed effort on assignment
• Writing is easy to follow; has been proofread and spell check. No grammatical errors.
• You go beyond the word count requirements.

Wow! (90-95)
• You show some deep, reflective thinking in your writing.
• You respond to the prompt—making sure to answer all questions asked.
• Makes some inferences and references to other related events, people or texts relating to
the topic
• Expresses some level of critical thinking
• Obvious effort on assignment
• Writing is clear; has been proofread and spell check. Few grammatical errors.
• You fulfill the word count requirement.

So-So (80-85)
• You respond to the prompt—making sure to answer all questions asked, but dont provide
any reflective thinking.
• Makes some inferences and references to other related events, people or texts relating to
the topic
• Ideas are expressed but are not fully developed
• Shows some effort on assignment
• At times the writing is a bit unclear and there are some grammatical/spelling issues.
• You fulfill the word count requirement.

Oops! (70 or 65): Has some or all of the following characteristics:
• You dont really respond to the prompt or your entry is extremely brief. You dont provide
any details or examples or support to elaborate on your response.
• Your entry was confusing or difficult to follow.
• You did not proofread, spell check and/or it is not grammatically correct. (You may have
even used 􀂳text-lingo􀂴 in your entry.
• It is too brief and obviously indicates a lack of thought or effort.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Language of Composition Reading Assignment

Read Mark Twain's "Corn-Pone Opinions" pages 717-722 and answer
Questions for Discussion #1 and Questions on Rhetoric and Style #'s 2, 5, 7, and 11. Due Wednesday, 8 December (immediately upon entering the classroom-I will not accept it late-do not ask to go "anywhere" so you can "print a hard-copy" of the assignment).

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Schedule for Week of 29 November

D-Band- Monday, 29 November: Turn-in Print AD Project-I will not accept it late-so do not make any excuses. You had ample time to complete this assignment. You do not need your textbook today. Complete reading of The Great Gatsby for Thursday's class.

A and B Bands, 30 November: Read statement above.

A, B, and D Bands, 1 December: Textbook not required. Bring The Great Gatsby to class on Thursday and Friday.

A, B, and D Bands, 2 December: Group Test for The Great Gatsby (chapters 6 and 7) : Open book
I will assign the groups.

A, B, and D Bands, 3 December: Final Test: The Great Gatsby (chapters 7, 8 and 9)
You must complete the test during the class period; you will not be permitted to complete the test after school.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Disappearing Test Papers

FYI: At the end of each band on Friday, 19 November, I counted the number of test papers. Much to my chagrin, THREE papers turned-up missing at the end of B-Band. (Immediately after everyone left the classroom, I recounted the papers.) Amazingly, Test A, Test B, and Test C turned up missing-apparently, the individual(s) involved in this serious infraction did not read the earlier post on the consequences of an act of this nature.

Furthermore, I have additional news about a "missing" resource that I will share with you when your class meets. Serious consequences are in store for the guilty individual(s). If I had the power, the individual involved in the disappearing test papers and the "missing" resource would immediately receive a 55 for the class and be dropped from AP English Language and Composition. But I do have the "power" to enter a grade of 55 for the second-marking period!

Schedule for Week of 22 November

D Band-Monday, 22 November- Turn in Questions on Rhetoric and Style AND the Writing assignment (see earlier post). You are not required to bring in any of the texts. We will continue Syntax Analysis from last week.

A and B Bands-Tuesday, 23 November-Turn in Questions on Rhetoric and Style (see earlier post). You are not required to bring in any of the texts. You will complete a DCQ in response to a quote.

A, B, and D Bands-Wednesday, 24 November-We will discuss The Great Gatsby Chapter 3-5 test. Bring the text-do not ask to go to your locker for it.

NOTE: It has becoming increasing obvious that many of you are not using the resources on nor on this blog to further your understanding of rhetoric. Furthermore, I find it rather disturbing that many of you are not studying SAT vocabulary on your own. We will do something about this shortly. By now, you should be working on becoming a "self-directed" learner. Your college professors expect this from their students.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Schedule for Week of 15 November

Monday, 15 November: D-Band-Bring The Great Gatsby text (Keep in mind the "new" policy) Homework: TBA + Read Chapters 3, 4 and 5-Test Friday

Tuesday, 16 November: A and B Bands-Bring The Great Gatsby text (Keep in mind the "new" policy) Homework: TBA + read Chapters 3, 4, and 5-Test Friday

Essential Question: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values? (Chapter 11)

Wednesday, 17 November: Bring to class The Language of Composition textbook.

Thursday, 18 November: All Bands-Bring your loose-leaf binder-you will find out why I am specifically directing you to do so.

Read High-School Confidential: Notes on Teen Movies and answer Questions on Rhetoric and Style on page 715 (1-12) DUE Monday-D-Band and on Tuesday for A and B Bands. Also, for D-Band:Respond to Question #1 on page 716 (DCQ)-DUE Monday-22 November.

Friday, 19 November: TEST-Chapters 3, 4 and 5 of The Great Gatsby

A Flashback NOT a Timeswitch:

While engaging in cardio-exercise on the elliptical, listening to music on my i-pod, watching a college football game on a monitor (Saturday afternoon at approximately 1:30), I had a "flash-back" regarding the "situation" described in an earlier post. (Note the absence of conjunctions?) The image involved two "table-mates" finishing their test in less than ten-minutes-both scoring a 100%. Surely, there were others who completed the test similarly, undetected by Diedrich. I wonder if this is another clue...

Diedrich is so amazing-while typing the "Schedule for Week of 15 November," he recalled that the table-mates described above did not open their text. How is that possible OR is it? I wonder if this is another clue...

The Great Gatsby Test Results: Chapter 1 and 2

A-Band: Mean-50.21
B-Band: Mean-50.48
D-Band: Mean-82.72 (7-100; 6-93.33; 4-86.67...)
Remarkable! Remarkable? Remarkable...
(Note the punctuations - rhetoricians)
I have my suspicions that will be shared when the classes meet on Monday (D-Band) and on Tuesday (A and B Bands)

PLAGIARISM includes the giving and receiving of information. Ironically, in this case, the "giver" does poorly and the "receiver" does well! Unfortunately, I am only able to surmise what had transpired on Friday, without specifically identifying the individual(s) involved in providing the test data to others. My investigation should be concluded by the start of classes on Monday.

This is a serious violation of The NYC DOE Disciplinary Code of Conduct! I will notify the parents of those involved, their classroom teachers, the school's administrators, the Dean's Office (for possible suspension), the College Office (a letter will be placed in your file) and finally, if you are involved in an extra-curricular activity (SING, sports, etc) I will insist upon your removal! THIS IS NOT A JOKE!

Why does Diedrich find the following so appealing?

West Point's Cadet Honor Code reads simply that "A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do."

CHEATING: A violation of cheating would occur if a Cadet fraudulently acted out of self-interest or assisted to do so with the intent to gain or to give an unfair advantage. Cheating includes such acts as plagiarism (presenting someone else's ideas, words, data, or work as one's own without documentation), misrepresentation (failing to document the assistance of another in the preparation , revision, or proofreading of an assignment), and using unauthorized notes.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Schedule for Week of 8 November

NOTE: Underclass Pictures: D-Band-Monday/B-Band Tuesday/A-Band Wednesday-Report directly to class-do not ask to use the restroom to brush your hair and/or to put on make-up!

Monday, 8 November: D-Band-Bring your textbook to class. We will discuss "Women's Brains" and the Print AD Project.

NOTE TO ALL CLASSES: Amazingly, too many students have not yet opened up the link posted on the blog describing this project. Bring selected Print AD to class on Friday-I will record the title for my records.

Tuesday, 9 November: A and B Bands-Bring your textbook. See D-Band above for class activity.

Wednesday, 10 November: ALL Bands-You do NOT have to bring your textbook today. Class Activity: TBA

Friday, 12 November: ALL Bands-Bring The Great Gatsby text to class. Be prepared for a test on Chapters 1 and 2 (15 questions/15 minutes) "No, you may not re-take it if you receive a low grade!

Questions on Rhetoric and Style

When responding to any question on rhetoric and style, one must include specific textual references (concrete details) in support of a response. I am puzzled by why so many of you are neglecting to do this-reflect back over what your English 9 and English 10 teachers emphasized. In addition, why would one include a definition of a rhetorical device? Recall what I told you-the AP Readers know the meaning-so why include it? I certainly appreciate how insightful many of you have been in formulating your responses, but without specific references to text-an optimal grade can not be earned.

"A Flapper's Appeal to Parents"
Read this interesting "letter" in order to gain an understanding of a different sub-culture.

NOTE: To open-you may have to right click-"open in new window."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Textbook Reminder

Friday, 5 November: Bring textbook to class-also assignment for "Women's Brains" is also due!

Textbook Policy

Effective Immediately: Since too many students are neglecting to bring the textbook to class as directed, I will begin assigning a question listed under "Suggestions for Writing" to those neglectful students. Furthermore, these students will NOT be permitted to "share" the textbook with their table-mate. In fact, they will be asked to sit in the back of the classroom. Bringing the required materials to class is part of your class participation grade and your class activity grade and your homework assignment grade! (Name that rhetorical device.)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Revised English Regents

Review the new format-you will discover the modifications.

You will no longer be scheduled for two days of testing which I am sure is a relief to all.

All Juniors will take this examination in January 2011

Originally, I posted this link in August (reference to the class blog appeared on the summer school reading assignment handout). Amazingly, the majority of students were absolutely "clueless" about the new format!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


BE ADVISED: IF AN ASSIGNMENT IS TURNED IN WITHOUT A HEADING AND WITHOUT SPACES BETWEEN EACH RESPONSE, Diedrich will return it to you to make the necessary correction(s) AND he will penalize you one-full letter grade! He is outraged by the quality of work being submitted in an Advanced Placement class. Amazingly, everyone thinks they deserve an "A."

Your assignments should be word-processed and not written in PENCIL!

He is also outraged by the number of students who did not take the time to read the Grammar as Rhetoric and Style (pages 339-342) prior to working on Exercises 1, 2, 3, and 5. The grading of these exercises has been time consuming-most grades:D-F!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Schedule for Week of 1 November

Essential Question: What is the impact of the gender roles that society creates and enforces? (Chapter 7)

For Wednesday, 3 November-ALL BANDS: Read Professions for Women (Woolf)(pages 356-362) AND answer "Questions on Rhetoric and Style" (page 361-362-1-12)
You must leave a space and/or skip a line after each response-if you fail to comply with this directive, I will return your assignment and you will re-do it as requested. Of course, you will receive a one-full letter grade reduction. Furthermore, you are expected to turn in the assignment as soon as you walk into the classroom. NO MORE EXCUSES ABOUT YOUR PRINTER NOT WORKING! OR "I did not understand it." If absent, you will email the assignment-send it as an attachment on the day it is due.

For Thursday, 4 November: Book Return-Please bring to class Death of a Salesman-you will not receive the next text unless you do so.

For Friday, 5 November-ALL BANDS: Read Women's Brains (Gould) (pages 349-355) AND answer "Questions on Rhetoric and Style" -#'s 3,4,5, 6,9, and 10 (pages 354-355)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Schedule for Week of 25 October

Depending on the Band schedule-early in the week-you will receive information on the major project for this marking period-A Rhetorical Analysis of a Print AD-Begin collecting magazine ADs that attract your attention-for what ever reason.
Click on the link for the instructor narrated PowerPoint-describing all that is involved. Note: This project is assigned in a College-Freshman-HONORS-Class. I would also like you to "Click-On" the other links so that you realize what is involved in a rhetorical analysis of an AD. Certainly, I would provide you with additional information and assistance during 371/2 minute tutorial.

Essential Question: What is the relationship of the individual to the community? You visited Chapter 6: Community, when we read MLK's Letter from Birmingham Jail. For your assignment due, Wednesday, 27 October, you will read Chapter 2 from Thoreau's Walden-"Where I Lived and What I Lived For" (pages 276-283-in your textbook-that you will bring everyday until I tell you not to bring the textbook to class). We will make "connections" to Into the Wild-as you read Thoreau's text-think about Christopher...

On Wednesday, 27 October, you will turn-in your responses to Questions on Rhetoric and Style-1-12-pages 281-282. THIS SHOULD BE WORD-PROCESSED-LEAVE A SPACE AFTER EACH RESPONSE. As with any assignment, if you are absent-you must email it to me on the day it is due! I will NOT accept any excuses written by a parent.

Prior to our discussion of Thoreau's text (from Walden), you will complete a multiple choice "practice" quiz.

On Thursday, 28 October, you will turn-in the your responses to Exercises 1, 2, 3, and 5 on pages 343-345. I recommend that you FIRST read pages 339-342-Grammar as Rhetoric and Style- in your textbook. You may "hand-write" this activity. You must skip a space after each response-if you fail to comply to this directive-I will not grade your work!

Schedule for Week of 25 October

Effective Immediately: If you do not bring the required text to class-you along with anyone else who has done the same-will sit in the back of the classroom-I will no longer permit those students who have habitually left their text at home to share the text with their "table-mate." Furthermore, do NOT ask to go to your locker to retrieve the text. The policy at LMGHS regarding locker use is that students are permitted to use their locker in the morning(at the start of the school-day) and in the afternoon (at the end of the school-day). I am looking forward to sharing this information with your parents-some of you have been playing games with me-and this will cease!

Schedule for Week of 18 October

We will complete the reading of "Death of a Salesman." Following our completion, you will take the test for Act II (as you know your grade for Act I and Act II will be averaged together in the second-marking period).

The day after the test-you will bring the textbook to class so we can examine Chapter 3: Synthesizing Sources: Entering the Conversation. You will break-up into groups and "enter the conversation," becoming an expert on one of the sources having to do with community service. Your group will then present to the whole-class the issue being addressed in your source.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The "Twenty-Four" Hour Rule

When Diedrich returns a Timed-Write, he will not address any concerns a student may have about the essay for a period of 24 hours. I am sure that most have heard about this policy. Diedrich wants everyone to reread the passage as well as the written response-along with a "glance" at the rubric. In addition, Diedrich requests that students ask others to share their Timed Write-especially those who received a score of 6-7-8- or a 9. Furthermore, he would like everyone in general to share their writing, asking for feedback.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kennedy Inaugural Address

Rhetorical Analysis: We simply do not have enough time in class to wait for everyone to take notes nor do I desire to duplicate a handout of this power-point-since when I do I am accused of "killing trees." I will provide the text of JFK's Speech on Wednesday, 6 October for us to analyze as a class in preparation for Friday's TIMED WRITE.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Schedule Change

Timed Write has been moved to Friday, 8 October.
You do not have to bring your textbook to class on Thursday, 7 October. Instead, bring Death of a Salesman.

Textbook Homework Assignment

See Assignment on pages 48-49 of the textbook. You MUST use either the Dialectical Journal or the Graphic Organizer on Didion's passage. DUE: Wednesday, 6 October-A, B, and D Bands!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Death of a Salesman: Act I Test Results

Keep in mind that you have been in AP English Language and Composition for a "short" time. Within that period of time, you have been asked to complete assignments requiring a slightly different approach than what has been expected previously. Perhaps, most challenging has been answering AP Multiple Choice Questions. Hence, my policy on NOT entering your results on "practice" questions in my grade-book for this semester with the exception of "major" tests-such as Death of a Salesman-Act I and Act II. Since many of you will be disappointed with your score for Act I, your tests will now be worth 10% in calculating your grade for the first-marking period. Do not become disheartened and/or upset with yourself if you received a low grade on the Act I test. Soon, you will see improvements in your raw score on the multiple choice questions.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What should I bring to class the week of 4 October?

4 October, Monday, D-Band-Language of Composition
5 October, Tuesday, A/B Bands-Language of Composition
6 October, Wednesday, no text required-Our First Timed-Write
7 October, Thursday, Language of Composition
8 October, Friday, Death of a Salesman

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Reminder

Incredibly, as of 28 September (11:05) not one person has entered a post for the Conferencing Topic on! Refer to the posting on this blog dated Saturday, 25 September. This is not optional: Deadline Midnight- Sunday, 3 October. Do not come to class on Monday with excuses for failing to complete this assignment.

Attention Parents: For some unexplainable reason, I have had too many students not completing assignments in a timely manner. The most "popular" excuse, "I did not understand what to do." Perhaps, your son/daughter is one of these students. I provide ample opportunity for assistance during the 371/2 minute tutorial period as well as explanations in class for what is expected. My homework policy is clear-I do not accept late homework assignments-this is an Advanced Placement class! Kindly speak to your child about his/her responsibilities.

Textbook Schedule Change

As a result of the College Now Visitation on Tuesday, 28 September, you must bring Death of a Salesman to class on Thursday, 30 September rather than Language of Composition. Furthermore, you must complete the reading of Act I on your own in preparation for the test on Friday, 1 October. We may OR may not complete the reading and subsequent discussion of it in class-remember you are in an AP class.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Attention B-Band

Remarkably, two students have NOT yet submitted their lunch form! You have had ample opportunity to do so. Recall the incentive offered by Diedrich?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Conferencing Topic

Your first one! Click on the link and read all THREE parts. Determine what you find most interesting -something that you will use OR avoid when it comes time to take the exam in May 2011. Next, you must visit and enter the class key (see course syllabus and/or the school web site) after you have clicked-on "join a class." You must enter your first and last name. Next, click on "Conferencing" and you will discover the topic: "Grading the 2010 AP English Language Exam: Prepare to be Assimilated." You may also gain access to the posting of this title on "link sharing." Simply, click on "post" and begin sharing your "reaction." Feel free to respond to others-be advised-use proper etiquette. Naturally, you will receive credit-this is an assignment-you must post by midnight, Sunday, 3 October.

Death of a Salesman Reading Assignment?

Since the Act I test will be administered on Friday, 1 October, everyone should have completed a reading in preparation for the test without being directed to do so. Referring to Spark Notes, GradeSaver, etc will NOT prepare you for this test. Read with a "critical eye", go beyond the "spoken" words...

Quality of Homework Assignments

Fortunately, for many, I had indicated that I would use the Check +, Check, Check- System
(see handout) to grade the assignment for Letter from Birmingham Jail-page 275-question #2. It soon became obvious to me that too many students probably spent only 5-10 minutes composing a response! Furthermore, several students in each class had excuses for why they did not come to class with the assignment. Recall my policy, "An assignment is due immediately upon entering the classroom." I actually had students hand it to me-handwritten throughout the day! In fact, one student asked to go to the restroom-approximately 15 minutes later he/she returned with the typed assignment in his/her hand. Did this student go to the library to download/print his/her assignment? Do not ask to use the printer in the classroom on the day the assignment is due. From now on, I will refuse to accept your assignment late (see handout regarding my homework policy). WOW! Venting makes me feel so good!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What text should I bring to class the week of 27 September?

D Band: Death of a Salesman: Monday,
Wednesday, Friday

Language of Composition: Thursday

A and B Bands: Death of a Salesman: Tuesday,
Wednesday, Friday
Language of Composition: Thursday

Language of Composition Textbook Assignment

Read Chapter 1 and complete the Assignment on page 28. To do well on this written assignment, you must read the chapter in its entirety.

Due: D Band-27 September, Monday
A and B Band-28 September, Tuesday

Language of Composition Textbook Assignment

Letter from Birmingham Jail : complete question #2 on page 275. Due Friday, 24 September

Death of a Salesman: Looking Ahead

Act I Test: Friday, 1 October (completed independently)-your grade will be recorded in the grade book! Format: Multiple Choice-AP Style Questions.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Language of Composition Textbook/Death of a Salesman

All classes must bring the textbook to class on Thursday, 23 September

All classes must bring Death of a Salesman to class on Friday, 24 September.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Death of a Salesman Quiz

On Wednesday, all bands (A, B, & D) will take a quiz over pages 1-31. Be advised since this assessment is related to American Literature and not readings associated with AP Language and Composition-I will enter the grade in the grade-book. (Format-multiple choice questions)

College Now Visitation

ATTENTION A and B BAND CLASSES-On Tuesday, 21 September-the Guidance Department will visit the class to discuss the opportunity to receive college credit via the College Now Program. Imagine all the college credit you can receive through this program and by taking AP classes...

I know what you are thinking: "Do we still have to bring the Language of Composition textbook to class on Tuesday?" "No, you do not have to bring the textbook to class on Tuesday."

Return of Lunch Forms

B-Band: In order for the class to receive the "reward" promised, ALL lunch forms must be returned by Wednesday, 22 September (not on Thursday, 23 September).
If you have misplaced it, see me on Monday, 20 September to pick-up another one-do not wait until Tuesday when the class meets.

McCarthyism: The Red Scare

This will provide you with a background for understanding The Crucible as well as what Arthur Miller endured.

The American Dream: At What Cost?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Language of Composition Textbook Assignment

Read Letter from Birmingham Jail (260-274) in preparation for:
Thursday's lesson (16 September). Upon entering the class, you will take a "practice" multiple choice test.
You must bring the textbook to class.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Just a reminder-in addition to this type of notebook (not a spiral)-you are required to bring to class a three-ring binder-everyday! No Exceptions!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Summer Reading Tests

A and B Bands will take the Rhetorical Terms/Devices "Matching" Test and the Into The Wild Multiple Choice Test on Tuesday, 14 September. D Band will take the tests on Wednesday, 15 September.

As you enter the classroom, you will place your flash-cards in the storage container on the teacher's desk. "No, you may not use them during the test, so do not even ask!"

Coming Soon to Our Classroom:

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Toulmin Model

We will use this model as a basis for argument analysis throughout the school-year-familiarize yourself with it NOW!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Introduction to AP Language and Composition: An Overview

A "preview" to what the class involves-note for some reason the presentation does not begin with slide #1, but once you press the advance control it will. I was unable to control the "speed" of the presentation, so you will have to do this on your own. Also, once you open the "full-screen," the clarity becomes clearer.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism

Click on OLDER POSTS to read about this topic.
By now, you have been made aware of the seriousness of this act-If you submit a summer reading assignment that has been plagiarized-you WILL RECEIVE A "0."
This will probably result in a failing grade for the first-marking period.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer School Assignments

WOW! Imagine in two-weeks -you will be entering Diedrich's classroom with a notebook in one hand and your writing assignment for Into the Wild and the "scholarly" paragraphs in the other hand-immediately placing the assignments on his desk as you enter the classroom.

On Day 2 of class, you will turn-in the Tropes/Schemes flashcards and then take a "matching-test" on those terms.

For those who have been proscastinating, visit (refer to the summer school reading assignment handout for the class key) and click-on the links that will help you with this assignment. DO NOT TELL ME YOU WERE UNABLE TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT BECAUSE YOU DID NOT UNDERSTAND IT. (Resources prevail-"GOOGLE" rhetorical analysis, if necessary-but everything you need is on

BE ADVISED: I will NOT provide any assistance one-week prior to class-you had all SUMMER!


Another school-year, another set of SMART GOALS!
Prior to 7 September, please think ahead and create three Smart goals that you hope to accomplish before the end of the school year (2011). Think carefully about these goals and how you will know if you have achieved them; a reflection on your efforts will be part of your final grade. You will be given two templates to record these goals-one to turn-in and one to keep in your loose-leaf binder.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010 5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language, 2010-2011 Edition (5 Steps to a… 5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language, 2010-2011 Edition (5 Steps to a…: "5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language, 2010-2011 Edition (5 Steps to a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations Series) [Paperback]
Estelle Rankin (Author), Barbara Murphy (Author)

I am recommending that EVERYONE purchase this resource. We will refer to this text throughout the year.

Monday, August 16, 2010

AP Multiple Choice Scores

GOOD NEWS? Click on the above link and read about the change in the scoring of AP multiple-choice questions.

Also, survey this site for helpful AP and SAT resources.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism
Everyone must visit this site and take the "QUIZ." (Click on "Exercises.") Also, carefully read the information provided about about this issue.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

AP Score Report

By now, I am sure most of you have received your score on the AP Language and Composition Exam. The College Board will "hand-score" your bubble sheet for a fee ($25)-they will not re-score your essays. If you received a 2, it may be to your advantage if you sincerely believe you may have erased and/or made stray marks on your answer sheet. Depending on your college of interest (see posting below), some of you who scored a 3 may want to consider this option. Also, for a fee of $7, you are able to request a copy of your essay booklet. Recall that your essay score is subjective-so if you bring it to me or someone else-the score given could be higher or lower.

AP Credit Policy

Use this resource to determine if a specific college will award credit for a score of a "3."

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ethan Frome Class Discussions

Often, teachers will serve as a "devil's advocate" for the sole purpose of "sparking" a lively discussion. Specific statements/opinions are made that do NOT reflect the teacher's sentiments. What in the world is Diedrich talking about?

During a recent class discussion, many students misconstrued Diedrich's comments regarding the "affair" between Ethan and Mattie. These students actually thought that Diedrich did not have any "problem" with someone CHEATING on his/her spouse and that Diedrich was encouraging Ethan to "cheat" on Zeena. This is far from the truth! If you recall, a "lively" debate did follow his remarks.

A lesson to be learned...

Ethan Frome Reading Assignment

Since you will return Ethan Frome on Monday and Tuesday, you must complete the reading of the remaining chapters. No excuse! I have provided podcasts for each chapter as well as the etext.

Ethan Frome Book Collection

D Band: Ethan Frome will be returned on Monday, 7 June.
A and B Bands: You will return the text on Tuesday,8 June.

Ethan Frome Test

A and B Bands-Test: Chapters 4, 5, and 6 (Format: True/False) on Friday, 4 June.
D-Band: You will take the test on Monday, 7 June.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ethan Frome

A-B-D Band Classes: Read the Prologue for Friday, 21 May.
Be prepared for a QUIZ.

D-Band: Read Chapters 1 and 2 for Monday, 24 May.
Be Prepared for a QUIZ. Read Chapter 3 for Wednesday, 26 May. QUIZ? OR a Cooperative Learning Activity?

A and B Band Classes: Read Chapters 1, 2, and 3 for Tuesday, 25 May. Be Prepared for a QUIZ. OR a Cooperative Learning Activity?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

AP Language and Composition Exam

I am sitting all alone in 404 at approximately 11:30 while you are all preparing to break the security seal on
your examination. I have high expectations for everyone. I am anxious to hear how well you thought you did.

A Reminder: You will return your Language and Composition textbook on Thursday (5/20) and in return, receive a copy of Ethan Frome-a favorite of mine.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sample Essays and Responses from the College Board

Language of Composition Textbook Assignment

Read Amy Tan's Mother Tongue (pages 542-555) by Thursday, 13 May.
On Thursday, 13 May, you will be given a multiple choice test to check your comprehension of this selection.

Language of Composition Textbook Assignment

Due Wednesday, 12 May: Complete S.O.A.P.S tone
for "Aria" (page 509-528) Do not forget to attach the paragraph.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Language of Composition Textbook

Bring your textbook to class on Friday, 30 April, Monday, 3 May and on Tuesday, 4 May. If you fail to do so, you will receive a "0" for not being prepared for class!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Argument Sample Essays

Read these sample essays even though they may not have anything to do with your topic. In addition, visit the other sites provided by OSU.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Language of Composition Textbook

Bring textbook to class Wednesday, 24 March.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Language of Composition Textbook Assignment

Due 24 March, Wednesday: Read On Seeing England for the First Time pages 904-913. Then, answer Questions on Rhetoric and Style (1-10) in complete sentences. This assignment should be TYPED (word-processed) and NOT handwritten.

You will place the assignment in the class folder immediately upon entering the classroom. I WILL NOT accept it late.
If you are absent, you will email the assignment on Wednesday-or prior to the due date.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Exploratory Essay/Researched Argument

Please be advised that the due dates for this MAJOR Project have changed:

Exploratory Essay: Wednesday, 7 April

Researched Argument: Wednesday, 21 April

If you are absent on the day the assignment is due, YOU WILL E-MAIL ME THE ASSIGNMENT. I WILL NOT ACCEPT THE ASSIGNMENT LATE! NO EXCUSES!

Why the change? Many of your classmates pleaded with me on Wednesday afternoon to change the due dates.

If you are going away, begin working on the exploratory essay immediately.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Magical Journey trough the Land of Logical Fallacies

Listen and Learn

This "skeptoid" web site may give you some ideas for your expository essay.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Expository Essay Topic Submission


I extended the time to allow students to meet with me to discuss specific questions they may have about their topic of consideration.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

LATE Projects

Be advised that I checked the school's daily attendance list... To those NOT present today-when the MAJOR project was due-Why did I do this? (Rhetorical Question)

But I am going to answer it for you! Twenty students were absent from the A-B-D Band Classes.
Only the names of Eight students appeared on the Daily Attendance List!

Hence, those students NOT on the list will lose One-full letter grade when the project is turned-in -if turned-in on Thursday-if not-I will continue to deduct letter grades for each day late!

Furthermore, I will verify all absentee notes-parent contact when you return to school-if you forge a note-further disciplinary action will be taken.

To those students who did NOT turn-in the project today-even though you were present-you will still lose one-full-letter grade. THIS IS FAIR TO THOSE WHO TURNED-IN THEIR PROJECT ON TIME.

PARENTS: Your child had two months for this project!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism
Read through this information provided by Cornell and take the quiz that follows.

During the week of 25 February, I will announce a RESEARCHED ARGUMENT PAPER.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

MLA Style Guide

A reminder: I have also included a link for the "citation" machine (see below).

You must include the page number for the example you are using.

The MAXIMUM number of examples you use from the same text is THREE.

I have also repeated MANY times that you may NOT use examples that appear on the class handouts or examples provided for you on the links.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Schemes and Tropes Project

Project Due Date: Wednesday, 24 February 2010.

This will allow for ample time for you to meet with me during our designated tutorial periods to review your project.

A Reminder: All excerpts must be cited using MLA or APA. I have provided the link for a "citation machine" in one of the older posts (scroll until you see it).

You are NOT permitted to use any of the examples that appear on the class handouts. Furthermore, you were directed not to "google" any of these terms (refer to the project handout on what to do AND on what not to do).

You know how I feel about plagiarism! It is inconceivable for any two students to have identical examples.


Since this is a "MAJOR" project that consumes many hours of your time (researching for the most "appropriate" example), it will be worth 35% of your grade for the first-marking period of the second-semester!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Regents Exams

Review previous exams
Click on title of this blog.

Examine essays scored a "6"- along with those scored lower. Also, read the examiner's commentary.

D-Band: We will prepare for the exam on Monday, 25 January in class.

I will provide tutoring Monday afternoon-FOCUS-Reading and Understanding for Literary Analysis (Session Two, Part A)

Everyone should REVIEW Literary Elements-they are a "must" for both essays on Session Two.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

AP Multiple Choice Questions

On Thursday, We will practice answering multiple choice questions for non-fiction passages using specific strategies. I have located this resource that might be helpful for some of you. It is reasonably priced at $9.95! I will share it with those who might be interested in purchasing a copy. (It can be downloaded.)

Mastering Multiple Choice Questions

Timed Write: Synthesis Essay

Your last timed-write for this semester is on Friday, 22 January. If you know in advance that you are going to be absent, make arrangements to take this timed-write prior to Friday.

Since the directions indicate that 15 minutes should be spent reading the Source documents and 40 minutes should be spent writing your essay (total of 55 minutes-our band is only 52 minutes-so what do we do?), I will provide the prompt ahead of time-with the WARNING THAT YOU ARE NOT TO RESEARCH THE TOPIC AHEAD OF TIME. This is actually futile because you are required to use a minimum of three of the source documents provided and furthermore, you will not be given the opportunity to know in advance the topic of the Synthesis Essay to conduct any research of a specific topic.

This will enable you to immediately begin reading the SOURCE documents. If you introduce outside "sources," your grade will be reduced. Review the rubric for this essay to understand what the AP Readers will be looking for.

Introduction: In 1989, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 that burning an American flag in protest is a form of speech protected under the First Amendment, and thus overturning a Texas law. Since that time, there have been calls from various quarters to amend the U.S. Constitution to authorize Congress to prohibit the "desecration" of the flag. The proposed Amendment has been approved by the House of Representatives on several occasions, but it has never garnered the necessary two-thirds majority in the Senate. Is burning or otherwise desecration the American flag a form of speech meriting protection under the First Amendment? Or is flag -burning an offensive, unpatriotic action that should be prohibited under the Constitution?

Assignment: Read the following sources (including any introductory information) carefully. Then, in an essay that synthesizes at least three of the sources for support, take a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim that the U.S. Constitution should be amended to provide for the prohibition of desecrating the American flag.

Kilboure's DCQ Essay

A Reminder: Your response to Kilbourne's argument that advertisements often "degrade" women ... and are rather "vulgar," (Diedrich's sentiment as well-although do not permit this to contaminate your position) is due on Tuesday (A and B Bands and on Wednesday for D- Band)
Please spend only 40 minutes writing your response.

English Regents Preparation

Since the week of 18 January has been designated for the administration of Midterm Examinations (English 9-Tuesday; AP Language and Composition-Wednesday),
I have decided to conduct a review session for the English Regents on Tuesday (A and B Bands) and on Monday, 25 January (D Band), rather than introduce "something new" in class.

In addition, I will provide tutoring for the English Regents during 371/2 minutes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week and again on Monday(1/25).
If you have not done so already, click on the link I have provided (see below) that will take you to the state site for the previous examinations. Pay particular attention to the essay papers given a "5 or a 6" as designated by the NYS Board of Regents. Keep in mind that there is often disagreement among English teachers about the grade that a specific essay received ("... too high.").

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cumulative vs. Periodic Sentences

I have provided this link (audio tutorial ) since many of you had a question about these types of sentences while taking the CITR test. Surprisingly, "many of you" selected either the "cumulative (loose)" or the "periodic" sentence as your rhetorical device for the dialectical journals.

Cumulative (loose): main point at the beginning of the sentence.

Periodic: main point is at the end of the sentence.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Format and Scoring of a Recent AP Exam

Read the information provided on this link with a "critical eye." You decide how YOU want to approach answering the multiple choice questions. Note the deduction for each incorrect response.

AP Practice Exam with Answers

Read the passages and complete the multiple choice questions that follow. An answer sheet can be found on page 28-print this page to record your responses. Do not "peek" at the correct answers (page 29) until you complete all 54 questions. Keep track of your time. Please give me feedback on how well you did.