Saturday, February 25, 2012

Schedule for Week of 27 February:
SAT Vocabulary Quiz: List 17-ALL Bands-Friday, 2 March

Mini-Argumentative Research Paper ("Are Teenagers Today the Dumbest Generation Ever?"): Note-cards, Outline and the Works Cited page Due: Thursday, 1 March. Since you were directed to work on this assignment over the break (recall my instructions), you should probably have your rough draft written by now. Furthermore, I indicated that all of the resources required were posted on the class blog. I am particularly concerned with the correct MLA internal documentation -refer to links provided). I will provide assistance- if desired on Monday and Tuesday during 37 1/2 minutes-NOT on Wednesday-the day before the assignment is due.

We will continue working on the "Analysis" Question for the AP Language and Composition Examination. Specific homework assignments will be given as needed-what we do not complete in class will be given as homework.

TEST: Figurative and Rhetorical Devices on 9 March. You should be familiar with the definition-you will also be required to identify the example with the appropriate device/term. Please refer to additional links (see "Older Posts") for other "Quizlet" posts.

Depending on the availability of Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, we will visit Room 439 on Tuesday, 28 February to obtain a copy of this text-kindly remember to bring your ID card. Click on the title of this text to download and print your assignment-you may want to wait until Tuesday to do so-I must verify that we have the quantity for three classes.

Always remember to click-on "Older Posts".

Friday, February 24, 2012

Never! Never! Ever...Ask an English Teacher-at the high school or college level-"How long does the assignment have to be?" For every assignment, I have provided links for sample essays on this blog and I have directed you to the AP Language and Composition Home Page located on the college-board site.

Research Paper Outline and Paragraph Details

Monday, February 20, 2012

Facebook Parenting: For the Troubled Teen

How is it possible to write a Defend/Challenge Paragraph without citing specific examples-in this case-from what was spoken-consider it as a "speech" rather than from prose-something that you have read? (My goodness-I do not know about the wording of this question-yet-many of you made "general" statements without making specific references to what the father shared...)

Dear Parents:
I posted this assignment on Saturday, 11 February (see below) with a due date of
Thursday, 16 February-only two paragraphs. Sadly, several students did not complete this assignment. Perhaps, one of those students is your child.

Dear Students:
You are well aware of the homework policy for this class and what must be done if you are absent. Do NOT attempt to email me the past-due assignments at this time-that opportunity has past.
AP Language and Composition Prompts (1981 t0 2011)
I wonder if this has something to do with the Scavenger hunt that Diedrich has been mumbling about since he is disturbed that most of us have not been visiting the course homepage reviewing the previous AP Questions and sample student essays?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Synthesis Essay: Gender Roles:

Much to my dismay, several students from each class neglected to turn in this homework assignment-"No, you may NOT make-it up!"

Dear Parents: We worked on the preparation for this assignment in class! I assigned the writing of this synthesis essay on Friday, 10 February with a due date of Tuesday, 14 February. Perhaps, your child is one of those students who did not complete this assignment-check on for confirmation.

Dear Students: For those who did complete this assignment, I was quite pleased with the results-although-we do have to work on the integration of the sources. Visit the AP Language and Composition college board course home page to review the sample student essays posted and also review the handouts I distributed so that all students would be able to "correctly" integrate the sources/quotations. (Recall my specific reference to this in class?)

NOTE: Those students receiving a 60% (Rubric score of 2) did NOT make any reference to the Sources-please refer to the statement from the College Board that I read in class (see handouts)-a minimum of "three" sources are required... Anything less-must receive a Score of 2!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Figurative and Rhetorical Devices: A Review
(If desired, click-on icon to hear the pronunciation and/or the meaning of the term.)

Rhetorical Devices

Tropes and Schemes

Thesaurus of Rhetorical Terms

Soon, I will ask you to complete an assignment during the reading of a literary text using these terms. In addition, you will be required to take periodic "surprise" quizzes on these terms. Furthermore, I will encourage you to use these terms whenever you are required to "rhetorically" analyze a text. We will visit Room 439 during the week of 27 February to obtain a copy of... (TBA).

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Reminder-DUE Friday, 17 February:

Write a Precis for Ellen Goodman's In Praise of a Snail's Pace
(Click on title for text.)


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Just a Reminder: Your Synthesis Essay Writing Assignment is DUE on Tuesday, 14 February. Spend ONLY ONE HOUR on your HANDWRITTEN Response-I will NOT accept it typed/word-processed...recall my reason for this?

Write one-paragraph "Defending" the father's actions and Write one-paragraph
"Challenging" the father's actions. Provide specific reasons for each position.
Watch this video-sit back and enjoy it-share it with your parents-consider the father's actions in attempting to deal with his 15-year-old teenage daughter...
(Diedrich cheered for the father, but please do not let his position hinder and/or limit what you would like to share in your paragraph.)

Facebook Parenting: For the Troubled Teen

View DCQ video/power-point (see below-you may have to click-on "older posts").
PARADOX is not always "easy" to understand and/or put into words...not because we do not understand the contradiction, but because we have a difficult time explaining the contradiction and the truth together. Why am I even telling you this? You will soon discover the "WHY" when we engage in rhetorical analysis during the WEEK of 13 February. View this video/power-point and share your reactions when we meet on Monday(G Band) and on Tuesday (A and B Band):
Paradox Slide Show
Please click on the above link for the accompanying "audio" - you will understand my request for you to do so. (The video posted below does not have the audio.)

Rhetorical Precis
Rhetorical Precis Frame
Rhetorical Precis: Description and Examples
Rhetorical Analysis: Graphic Organizer
Rhetorical Analysis Devices Card

Thursday, 16 February: Timed Write-Synthesis Essay?

Friday, 17 February: SAT Vocabulary Test List 16 (If you are going on the LMGHS Supervised Field Trip, you must make arrangements to take this test prior to your departure.) We will continue with the Rhetorical Analysis of text.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week of 6 February:

Writing the Synthesis Essay (this will assist you in the writing of your "mini-research" paper addressing the prompt, "Are teenagers today the dumbest generation ever"?)
PODCAST: The Synthesis Essay

Chief Reader Comments

The Synthesis Essay Question: May 2011

Student Sample Responses with Rater's Commentary

This week we will take "baby steps" in the writing of a synthesis essay. This process in related to the writing of research in all disciplines.
You will also note the relevance of what we are doing to YOUR upcoming research paper.

Tuesday, 7 February: Course Offering Day-Discuss with your parents the classes you should be taking during your senior-year. Consider at least three-AP classes. This is your last chance to demonstrate to colleges that you are a candidate that they should consider for admission into their institution of higher learning.

College Board's Equity Policy
If you desire to take an AP class, ...regardless of your academic standing...

I am not a College Advisor but it is only logical if you are interested in engineering and the sciences (pre-med) that you SHOULD pursue those AP classes.

SAT Vocabulary Test: List 15-Friday, 10 February

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Diana Hacker's Rules for Writers
"Tour" all of the links, especially the one for "Model Papers."