Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wonders Never Cease...

Why are students asking to change their Documentary Film selection and/or to add a "new" group member on Wednesday, 29 December when the selection process for the film and group members was finalized on Thursday, 23 December?


Monday, December 27, 2010


I am being bombarded with questions that were asked and answered prior to the break. Furthermore, your questions can be answered by conducting a "Close Reading" of the handouts. No teacher in America would be responding to all of the inquiries during a vacation that I have been answering. When you return on Monday, 3 January-I will resolve technical difficulties only in preparation for your presentations on Tuesday, 4 January.

I recommend that you rehearse your presentations on Monday, 3 January after school. (Rooms 404 and 402 will be available.)


Why is it that I am receiving so many requests from students to change their Documentary Film selection? Supposedly, whether students were working individually and/or in groups, the viewing was done prior to Thursday, 23 December. The primary reason is that their Documentary was unappealing! I wonder how many of you have actually viewed your Documentary. As I preview what students have selected, I am finding several selections "unappealing" as well. Remember, you will be analyzing your Documenting in front of the classroom. I am looking froward to reading your rational for selecting your Documentary. How many of you are asking, "Is Diedrich talking about me"

Plagiarism Alert!

BE ADVISED: Diedrich is fully are that many documentaries have previously been analyzed and written about in articles and books. You know how he feels about cheaters-those who plagiarize (see older post). You are hereby given notice that if this occurs on this major project (30% of your third-marking period grade) you and your group members will receive a "0" and most likely a failing grade for English 5 (55). Do not call his bluff!

Documentary Film Analysis Assistance

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dear Parents:

During the week of 13 December, your child was informed of a Documentary Film project that would be due upon his/her return after the holiday break (3 January 2011). I specifically indicated that all students must be ready to submit the title of their selected Documentary on Thursday, 23 December. This would allow for an ample opportunity to preview several films and to decide whether the presentation would be done as a group or independently. In addition, all students were required to return a signed permission slip with your signature-approving the Documentary Film your child has selected.

Much to my chagrin, several students were NOT prepared to submit the title of their Documentary. Perhaps, your child was part of this group? Again, please keep in mind that your child had a week to make his/her choice. Furthermore, a major writing assignment is due when your child returns on 3 January.

Please discuss this situation with your child.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Schedule for Week of 20 December

For all Bands: Documentary Film Assignment continued. You must select a film for analysis by Thursday, 23 December. I will pass around a sheet for sign-up. If you are presenting with others, you will record the names of the group members. Be advised that I will notify you if I deem that the documentary film is inappropriate for classroom use. You will not be permitted to present unless I receive the permission slip signed by a parent.

Monday/Tuesday, 20 and 21 December: "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift- Introduction to the satire.

Wednesday, 22 December: Discussion of Swift's satire and completion of the multiple choice questions. You will "mimic" Swift's satire by writing one of your own.

Thursday, 23 December: Discussion of the specific requirements for presentation and written response for the Documentary Film Project. Bring all handouts describing the project to class. Presentations will begin on Tuesday, 4 January 2011. I will ask for volunteers first. Then, I will randomly select individuals/groups from names written on index cards.

I expect to see groups practice on Monday, 3 January during 371/2 minutes tutorial. I will open Room 402. PRACTICE! You do not want to embarrass yourself during your presentation. Also, make sure you have downloaded the documentary in a version that will play in a NYC classroom! If you experience difficulties and have to continue on another day, your grade will be reduced one-full letter grade. PRACTICE in the classroom!

The Elements of Satire

Satire Writing Assignment Resources
The Onion
Satire Wire
The National Post Online

The essays that you discover will cause you to smile-chuckle-perhaps, even laugh out-loud. I have decided to post-pone your satire "mimic" until the completion of the documentary presentations. Prior to the actual written assignment, I will have you choose a satirical piece (from one of the sites listed above) and explain how the use of satire makes the piece better or worse at tackling its specific issue.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Schedule for Week of 13 December

Introduction to the Documentary Film and Project

Google: "Frontline and Documentary" Google will take you to links for documentaries for all aspects of life imaginable. Some documentaries are prohibited for use in a NYC classroom.

Once your documentary is approved, you may have to "convert" it to a format that can be played using the computer in the classroom.

NOTE: The overall selection process requires time and planning. DO NOT HAPHAZARDLY SELECT YOUR FIRST TOPIC OF INTEREST.

"Should I work on the project alone or Should I work with others?" Be advised that the grading of the project will certainly be more involved if you decide to work in a group.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Schedule for Week of 6 December

You will not need to bring the textbook to class this week. Kindly bring to class The Great Gatsby on Wednesday, 8 December for collection.

Do not forget about the assignment due on Wednesday, 8 December (see below). As soon as you enter the classroom, you will place it in the class folder-DO NOT GIVE ME ANY EXCUSES ABOUT NOT HAVING IT DONE AND DO NOT ASK TO TURN-IT IN LATER IN THE DAY. (Locate a printer prior to Wednesday.)

FYI- Class averages for the group test on Chapters 7, 8, and 9:

A Band: 68
B Band: 83.8
D Band: 71

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, we will examine the "revised" NYS English Regents. (A Reminder-Exam date-Tuesday, 11 January-8:45)

On Wednesday, we will engage in a rhetorical analysis of a historical document (speech).

On Thursday, you will complete a Timed Write involving a rhetorical analysis of an excerpt from a memoir.

On Friday, we will continue the rhetorical analysis from Wednesday. For the "second" half of class, we will review Parts of Speech. I have noticed that too many of you are missing questions that ask about POS.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blog Grading

Outstanding! (100)
• You show insightful, reflective thinking in your writing.
• You respond to the prompt, but also go beyond it.
• Makes many inferences and references to other related events, people or texts relating to
the topic
• Expresses a high level of critical thinking
• Obvious, detailed effort on assignment
• Writing is easy to follow; has been proofread and spell check. No grammatical errors.
• You go beyond the word count requirements.

Wow! (90-95)
• You show some deep, reflective thinking in your writing.
• You respond to the prompt—making sure to answer all questions asked.
• Makes some inferences and references to other related events, people or texts relating to
the topic
• Expresses some level of critical thinking
• Obvious effort on assignment
• Writing is clear; has been proofread and spell check. Few grammatical errors.
• You fulfill the word count requirement.

So-So (80-85)
• You respond to the prompt—making sure to answer all questions asked, but dont provide
any reflective thinking.
• Makes some inferences and references to other related events, people or texts relating to
the topic
• Ideas are expressed but are not fully developed
• Shows some effort on assignment
• At times the writing is a bit unclear and there are some grammatical/spelling issues.
• You fulfill the word count requirement.

Oops! (70 or 65): Has some or all of the following characteristics:
• You dont really respond to the prompt or your entry is extremely brief. You dont provide
any details or examples or support to elaborate on your response.
• Your entry was confusing or difficult to follow.
• You did not proofread, spell check and/or it is not grammatically correct. (You may have
even used 􀂳text-lingo􀂴 in your entry.
• It is too brief and obviously indicates a lack of thought or effort.