Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Great Gatsby Test Results: Chapter 1 and 2

A-Band: Mean-50.21
B-Band: Mean-50.48
D-Band: Mean-82.72 (7-100; 6-93.33; 4-86.67...)
Remarkable! Remarkable? Remarkable...
(Note the punctuations - rhetoricians)
I have my suspicions that will be shared when the classes meet on Monday (D-Band) and on Tuesday (A and B Bands)

PLAGIARISM includes the giving and receiving of information. Ironically, in this case, the "giver" does poorly and the "receiver" does well! Unfortunately, I am only able to surmise what had transpired on Friday, without specifically identifying the individual(s) involved in providing the test data to others. My investigation should be concluded by the start of classes on Monday.

This is a serious violation of The NYC DOE Disciplinary Code of Conduct! I will notify the parents of those involved, their classroom teachers, the school's administrators, the Dean's Office (for possible suspension), the College Office (a letter will be placed in your file) and finally, if you are involved in an extra-curricular activity (SING, sports, etc) I will insist upon your removal! THIS IS NOT A JOKE!

Why does Diedrich find the following so appealing?

West Point's Cadet Honor Code reads simply that "A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do."

CHEATING: A violation of cheating would occur if a Cadet fraudulently acted out of self-interest or assisted to do so with the intent to gain or to give an unfair advantage. Cheating includes such acts as plagiarism (presenting someone else's ideas, words, data, or work as one's own without documentation), misrepresentation (failing to document the assistance of another in the preparation , revision, or proofreading of an assignment), and using unauthorized notes.