Sunday, November 21, 2010

Disappearing Test Papers

FYI: At the end of each band on Friday, 19 November, I counted the number of test papers. Much to my chagrin, THREE papers turned-up missing at the end of B-Band. (Immediately after everyone left the classroom, I recounted the papers.) Amazingly, Test A, Test B, and Test C turned up missing-apparently, the individual(s) involved in this serious infraction did not read the earlier post on the consequences of an act of this nature.

Furthermore, I have additional news about a "missing" resource that I will share with you when your class meets. Serious consequences are in store for the guilty individual(s). If I had the power, the individual involved in the disappearing test papers and the "missing" resource would immediately receive a 55 for the class and be dropped from AP English Language and Composition. But I do have the "power" to enter a grade of 55 for the second-marking period!