Sunday, April 21, 2013

Dear Parents: I have offered students the opportunity of taking a MOCK AP examination for both the Multiple Choice and Essay sections, with the option of selecting dates (3 given for each section) after- school and on Saturdays. (Please refer to the post below for the link to the calendar.) Sadly, several students from each class have NOT responded to this opportunity-perhaps, your child is one of these students-who indicated that they would not be able to comply since they are involved in extra-curricular activities, tutoring, and/or employment. I just wanted to bring to your attention that this opportunity was offered as well as the opportunity to attend after-school tutoring, specifically focusing on the three different essays your child will have to write. Realizing that after you speak to your child regarding this missed opportunity, I will permit your child to take Section I (multiple choice)-answering 54 questions with a 1 hour time limit this week-either on Monday-Tuesday-or Wednesday only!

Please take the time to read other posts on this blog and question your child on whether or not he/she has done the same.