Monday, October 22, 2012

Schedule for Week of 22 October

NOTE: I am no longer accepting assignments hand-written! Word-process (type) all assignments. Printers are located throughout the building-do not wait until the day the assignment is due to locate a printer.

Read chapters 6 and 7 of The Great Gatsby for Friday, 26 October.

Please bring your Language of Composition textbook to class on Tuesday, 23 October. We will visit the Bookroom to exchange your text for the "second-edition" for this textbook. Perhaps, you will share my passion for this edition once you begin "flipping" through the pages.

Monday, 22 October through Wednesday, 24 October: The Synthesis Essay continued...

Thursday, 25 October: Bring your "new" textbook to class.

Friday, 26 October: Diedrich is pleased to inform you that all of his AP classes are meeting today!
His classes will take a practice AP Style MC test as a class-not independently, not in a group, but rather as a class with Diedrich guiding you through the 'thinking" strategies for the selection of a choice.

Help me solve an enigma...Why aren't there more students visiting me during 37.5 minutes to discuss assignments before it is due as well as after the grade for the assignment has been posted. I welcome all students-many do come to 404 for assistance-sadly, those not doing well have not...

Please be advised that soon-beginning this week-you will no longer have several days to complete an assignment!