Schedule for Week of 16 April:
RD Test #2: Thursday, 19 April-see post below for specific devices.
Analyzing Rhetoric: Orwell's Politics and the English Language
(Focus: How does Orwell "sustain" his argument?) A separate "Classwork/Homework" handout will be distributed in class.
Supporting Your Argument: Emerson's The American Scholar
Writing Assignment: Handout-Part I (in-class) and Part II (homework)
Analyzing a Writer's Argument: Bellow's Man Underground and Locke's The New Negro assignment sheet with links to the essays
Analyzing text with a "connection" to a specific "prompt": Huey Long's Every Man A King
Every Man A King assignment sheet
Analysis Essay-Rhetorical Purpose: Murrow's Speech (Television...w/ a connection to film good night, and good luck)/Mark's If I Were A Black Kid and Peitzman's If I Were A Middle Aged White Man
Click on link for the speech, essays, and writing prompts.
DUE DATES: TBA (Note: You will no longer have several days to complete an assignment will more than likely be due on a day that your class does not will still be required to "hand-deliver" the assignment to me in Room excuses-no exceptions!