Saturday, April 7, 2012

Rhetorical Devices (Examples) Test #2- Thursday, 19 April:
I suggest you familiarize yourself with the definitions of the following devices as well as the related examples- You must identify the examples for each device not its definition:
aphorism euphemism invective juxtaposition anaphora
appositive Balanced Sentence Loose Sentence Periodic Sentence
Apophasis Zeugma Chiasmus Non Sequitur Ad Hominem antimetabole
inversion polysyndeton hypophora epistrophe epizeuxis

NOTE: Do you know that the "giving and/or receiving of test information" is PLAGIARISM! You do this in college and the administration will send you home-imagine your parents' reaction...All I can do is refuse your request for a college letter of recommendation-surely, you do not want me to include a statement that you are a "PLAGIARIZER"!

IF you were absent for the Timed Write (Question #3 on the AP Exam-you must take it on Monday/Tuesday (4/17) during 371/2 minutes. It seems odd that the same individuals are usually absent on these days. Be advised that I have changed the question...Do you really think that I would give you the same test?