Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Twenty-Four Hour Rule!
If you recall on Day 1 of class, Diedrich explained that he would not discuss a graded returned assignment until everyone had a chance to re-read a text associated with the assignment, to re-read his/her actual written work with Diedrich's comments and to examine the written work of classmates' receiving the same and/or higher grade on their papers. Diedrich calculates that this would take at least "twenty-four hours" to accomplish what he has suggested.

If you do plan on meeting with him to discuss "The Art of the Apology" reaction paper, Diedrich expects you to bring a copy of the resource he provided for the writing of reaction papers (see posting/link for this resource). He suspects that many of the students did not refer to this resource to assist with this assignment. Diedrich is well aware that for many of you this was the first-time for an assignment of this nature and he will- subsequently, take this into consideration.