Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Semtence Collection Assignment

DUE WEDNESDAY, 30 MARCH AS YOU ENTER ROOM 404-Do not inform me that your printer has malfunctioned, do not inform me that you will email me the assignment later, do not hand me an excuse written by mom or dad, do not arrive late with the assignment in your hand (I can only assume that you used a printer elsewhere in the building-when there is a working printer in Room 404 for you to use prior to the day when an assignment is due-not when you enter the classroom.), do not place this assignment in my mailbox on the first-floor, do not... You will have this assignment word-processed (typed) using Times Roman 12pt Font, You will email this assignment ONLY IF YOU ARE ABSENT, You will report to me during 371/2 minutes for tutoring for assistance if needed,
You will not plagiarize-copy a classmate's sentence(s), You will not... (I wonder if there is a rhetorical device (s)...)

A Room of One's Own
