Friday, April 1, 2011

"Always Living In Spanish" by Marjorie Agosin

D-Band: Turn in SOAPS and DIDLS completed charts and your written response (on the lined-paper I supplied) on Monday, 4 April/A and B Band assignment due on 5 April. Your response should be no longer than four paragraphs-I indicated that you did not have to write any more than a thesis statement for your first paragraph. This part of the essay may be the same as your partner you worked with in class, but the remainder of the essay must differ. If you were absent, do not copy what someone else has written. I know what was done-you have been warned-for those attending the assembly on Friday or on the field-trip-I should not see the same responses that your partner wrote during your absence. I know who did the work AND who did absolutely NOTHING!