Sunday, October 18, 2009

First Marking Period Grades

For the first-marking period, you will receive a "letter" grade. Unfortunately, this does not reveal the "accurate" numerical grade you would have received-if numerical grades were given for this marking period. All of the grades have been averaged-since the grades are "cumulative," the numerical grade you earned for the first-marking period will be part of the grade you receive for the second-marking period.

Please keep in mind that an "A" could be at the "low-end" or at the "high-end" of the scale (90-100). Yes, several students did earn a "100" for this marking period. Furthermore, a "B" could very well have been an "85," a "C" a "75."

Your grade was determined by the following breakdown:

Summer Reading-25%
Timed Writes-5%
Project (PSA)-30%
JFK Analsis-15%
Class Participation-15%

I readjusted the percentages at my own discretion-a "generous" act.