Schedule for Week of 8 April
Root Word Quiz # 6: THURSDAY, 11 April.
Timed Write: Friday, 12 April (Analysis-Question #2)
NOTE: This week we will be reviewing strategies for Question #2 on the AP Examination.
Soon, I will be posting and distributing the tutoring schedule for our exam. If you miss a specific session-that session will be repeated the following week. Our sessions will begin at 1515 hours and end at 1700. This will provide you with the opportunity to attend the 37.5 minutes of tutoring in your other subject areas. Teachers will be meeting on Monday, 8 April to compose a "master" tutoring schedule.
Please be advised that ALL students MUST take a MOCK examination. To accommodate everyone, I will provide several dates and times-there simply will NOT be an excuse for failing to take advantage of this opportunity that is REQUIRED in most schools throughout our democracy.
Furthermore, to lessen the burden of having to sit for the full 3 hours and 15 minutes to complete the entire examination, I will provide specific times for Section I (Multiple Choice)- 1 Hour to complete approximately 55 questions and for Section II (the three essays)-2 Hours and 15 minutes-hence-each section will be offered on different days spread-out over the next 2 - 3 weeks. Our first scheduled Mock session for Section I will be on Thursday,11 April at 1515 Hours. We will discuss other times this week since I know that many of you are taking College Now. Also, be advised that there will be Saturdays scheduled as well-along with other days to accommodate those who have religious an/or other obligations.