Sunday, February 19, 2012

Synthesis Essay: Gender Roles:

Much to my dismay, several students from each class neglected to turn in this homework assignment-"No, you may NOT make-it up!"

Dear Parents: We worked on the preparation for this assignment in class! I assigned the writing of this synthesis essay on Friday, 10 February with a due date of Tuesday, 14 February. Perhaps, your child is one of those students who did not complete this assignment-check on for confirmation.

Dear Students: For those who did complete this assignment, I was quite pleased with the results-although-we do have to work on the integration of the sources. Visit the AP Language and Composition college board course home page to review the sample student essays posted and also review the handouts I distributed so that all students would be able to "correctly" integrate the sources/quotations. (Recall my specific reference to this in class?)

NOTE: Those students receiving a 60% (Rubric score of 2) did NOT make any reference to the Sources-please refer to the statement from the College Board that I read in class (see handouts)-a minimum of "three" sources are required... Anything less-must receive a Score of 2!