D-Band- Monday, 29 November: Turn-in Print AD Project-I will not accept it late-so do not make any excuses. You had ample time to complete this assignment. You do not need your textbook today. Complete reading of The Great Gatsby for Thursday's class.
A and B Bands, 30 November: Read statement above.
A, B, and D Bands, 1 December: Textbook not required. Bring The Great Gatsby to class on Thursday and Friday.
A, B, and D Bands, 2 December: Group Test for The Great Gatsby (chapters 6 and 7) : Open book
I will assign the groups.
A, B, and D Bands, 3 December: Final Test: The Great Gatsby (chapters 7, 8 and 9)
You must complete the test during the class period; you will not be permitted to complete the test after school.